Sunday, November 30, 2008

Why Do Older Women Wear Nylons

The heart slices .....

Purtroppo, cari amici, da piccoli si impara che ogni medaglia ha il suo rovescio, bello o cattivo che sia.A Palermo, abbiamo fatto presto ad imparare che con Zamparini la bella medaglia, che ci ha riservato tante gioie con il ritorno alla serie maggiore, ha un rovescio assai amaro!Un rovescio che noi stentiamo ad accettare e, persino, a comprendere: la mancanza assoluta di valori umani nella gestione players, a cold calculated that, for years, upsets and overwhelms us our feelings. Yes, because the fan has a heart not forget, and always puts over obstacles, never forgetting those who loved and honored worthily our colori.Per Zamparini this is absolutely non-existent! Do not delude ourselves more! For him there is only the cold calculus of business, what can ensure the maximum gain with minimum effort, and if that means sending people to hell as Zauli, Biava, Dido, Eugene, Caserta and now our last pillar Fontana he did not think even a moment. He does this with the trainer as a shoe when you change a hurry just dirty, let alone if he does with his players: but does not understand that by doing this, all other players, present and future, it is normal to adjust to his style? How can we expect people to be very motivated if they are affected by the absolute lack departure that their commitment is rewarded at the appropriate time? But if the players up to yesterday's victims of this genocide have been labeled as "finished" and no longer guarantee of adequate performance, as can brand a goalkeeper who is competing today, with all its 42 years, the legendary Buffon? am very tired of these treatments, because I feel as if we were frustrated in our own fans to acquiesce to a Such treatment, we too involved for cold utility, no! I'm not there! Shouted a man who, even though I dislike, drove our Italy from its carica.No! For me "Jimmy" Fontana is one of us! A GREAT costi.Ecco be defended at all, for once we should tell our Pesident: The colors are beautiful and untouchable top especially if you leave you always wear to those who love and honor! The players are men, not cold bargaining chip! And Fontana is a great man who loves esteem and Palermo, has demonstrated that exciting and long applause with which it has embraced and welcomed at the entrance to the camp!
I forgot, Mr. President?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Is Pokemon Platinum Online ?

Poems Poems


The tree of ancient tradition, for all

was any indication, there was

Judge Falcone.

The tree felt privileged

someone had tied to that judge.

her hair tended to his past,

lonely man waved,

a salute to the legality,

greeting a man without freedom,

a salute to the prisoner in this city.

The people he trusted,

justice, truth, wanted,

but the man is gone forever, does not look

higher, but from above,

a roar, a gutted road, death.

The petrified tree remained, as always another flower


relived pain, tragedy renewed

there is no end to the deaths announced.

D'spell the tree came to life again,

all gathered to himself, hope revived.

For his magic dressed in white trunk,

message to continue on its side.

That tree, the tree was called Falcone,

that judge will not be forgotten.

Ettore I.