La notizia che vi propongo è la seguente, di fonte ANSA:
“SPOTORNO (SAVONA) - "I nostri figli sono dei vandali? No, sono degli angioletti. Non sono stati loro, vi state sbagliando. Gli autori di quello scempio dovete cercarli altrove". I genitori dei cinque baby teppisti identificati dai carabinieri quali autori del raid vandalico ai danni della scuola media di Spotorno se la prendono con i carabinieri Spotorno. For three minors, one aged 14 and two of 15, has already taken the complaint to the prosecution of minors for having devastated Genoa at night school in Via Verdi: were destroyed computers, photocopiers, printers, dirty walls and discharged fire extinguishers. Signaling but has aroused the ire of family members. "You should not unjustly accuse our children why they could have done things like that. We have called in the middle of the night for no reason and that's not right," they said. The police, through their company commander Pilutti Orlando, meanwhile, argued that he has collected clear evidence about their responsibilities. "Meanwhile we are also saddened by the behavior parents, and not just those of their children - says the Officers -. In this story we have not taken any mistake. What were they in fact do not have any doubt. We found the school left the imprints of shoes on the floor after they had emptied the fire extinguishers. It should also be recalled that the five were arrested near the school as they fled. So we acted in the utmost fairness and legality. "Curiously, for parents of teens - Orlando Pilutti ends - it was more fair to blame the police than with my children for their behavior. And that frankly we have not digested, in view of the fact that we are responsible for the checks day and night in the city garantire la sicurezza e l'ordine pubblico". (ANSA)”
Orbene, amici, da anni, come ben sappiamo, la violenza all'interno della vita quotidiana è andata aumentando in maniera a dir poco vertiginosa, coinviolgendo anche lo sport del calcio, che in quanto tale dovrebbe restarne scevro, con la squallida conclusione che i provvedimenti adottati dal Governo, giustissimi in se stessi, da un’altra parte hanno tolto il piacere di andare allo stadio a tutte le persone corrette ed amanti solo dello spettacolo calcistico, puro e sportivo.
Nella notizia riportata, purtroppo, vi è una variante che da tempo si registra nelle scuole, di ogni ordine e grado, ma che si continua ad ignorare e mettere sempre in sottordine, and on the other hand, as far as I'm concerned, a value quite heavy and worrisome: the involvement of parents very decomposed.
This would show that the sharp decline recorded in the layers is much favored by youth behavior absolutely negative educational impact and far limits of human decency of those who do, at other times, would have deplored the behavior of their children, and accepted, although as gall in the mouth, all resulting therefrom, both civilly and criminally.
Today, however, the children, although admittedly and sadly diverted, are in defending, encouraged the revolt, supported, sometimes violently, in dealing with teachers, principals, law enforcement and anything else that could be a stumbling block for absolute freedom of action of the children, which are guarantors, with alarming ease, these pseudo parents / teachers! Mala tempora
currunt, friends, as they say in Latin, especially as this is, in my opinion, only the tip of an iceberg that is increasingly approaching this rickety ship that is our society which, like the Titanic sad, not have all the watertight bulkheads in his hips and could sink the first impact.
Will he make it to tack the master in time? For posterity will judge.
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