I'm tired (in the sense that I just sleep!).
I did the night , and before doing the night I worked three hours on a part .
And when I finished the night I worked another three from .
And when I shift continue eighteen hours that are coming apart, or a rag as they say in these parts.
risk if it touches the bed to sleep until the next day, then distracted me from sleep listening music, reading and writing the PC, drinking a cup of coffee strategic long reflecting extinction of the panda, bothering the cats (is' na boorish action that while their lot with sleep, careless, sleep on my bed) and then once again the wisdom , here is that my day begins .
Yeah! Why
Thursday I have a question, nothing less than Volterra.
And then 5 I dentist appointment .
E the 6 with the President of my undergraduate degree.
E 15, I the competition for social workers .
And then I wanted to go see Charles Varese.
And He graduated .
And then I wanted to celebrate my birthday with my mom and my sister.
And then I'd go to rally in Rome Saturday, 3 on press freedom.
And then others on other and then.
Olindo and Rosa (an elderly couple who live below me) are arguing about which one has more right to the other ad accaparrarsi l’unica sdraio sul terrazzo e godersi un po’ il sole.
Si, lo so. Una volta questo era un blog semiserio , una volta.
Infatti già so che mezz'ora dopo aver pubblicato queste righe mi pentirò per aver dato spazio a un post inutile come questo.
i odio quando "scrivo allegro"
Se dovesse sparire il perchè già l'ho scritto.
Un anno Dopo
Non avere il tempo di ascoltarsi è una scusa incontrastabile.
Gelosa delle mie forze passo il tempo incardinando il mio ego tra certezze , intenti e progetti .
Ho sempre avuto un’ idea di me e da un anno la sto costruendo, concretamente.
E oggi posso scrivere per la prima volta in vita mia che mi sono trovata, e sono Io .
Io, senza quei quintali di tormenti emotivi che mi ancoravano alla sedia.
Io, senza la sensazione che potrei cadere.
I, stable and positive, with a solution to any problem.
natural processes in one direction, because the small flies that do not stop to return to live in the nest.
But that idea I have of myself has in itself a ruthless price, functionalism
Although maybe then, I think, that if the scripts are repeated there may be a common ill, although I do not know where to look and do not even know if it exists.
Each child grows up with a dream.
a child closing his eyes I saw a woman in a study full of books with a large wooden desk full of papers .
How boring, right?
Mal comune mezzo gaudio
=> Disclaimer:
- follows a beginning of phone call between me and my mom.
- Everything was held yesterday morning .
- My mom has used in his life ten vulgar expressions .
MammaAnna : Hello?
I (scandendo): P o r c a M i s e r i a!
MammaAnna (scandendo): P o r c a V a c c a!
Io : Hai visto Linea Notte ieri sera?!
MammaAnna (scandendo): P o r c a M i s e r i a!
Io (scandendo): P o r c a V a c c a!
Morale: perchè una morale c'è sempre. Ed è questa:
Il Fatto Quotidiano
Email sent to the editorial staff of "The Fact Daily" .
Site (temporary) Reference:
=> The background, the blog of The Daily Done.
Hello editorial
this morning between eight and nine in the morning I tried to find niches in eleven, but I had no luck at all, copies of The Done were depleted.
One of the newsagents at my request he exclaimed, "but many of you this morning to ask me?"
In two other shrines instead, I met other like me who were desperate for a copy and we exchanged a smile and information kiosks that had run out.
In another, however, a player managed to grab the latest copy of the laws have been made to a group of three or four people who meanwhile had arrived in search of a copy.
I booked my subscription and will improve once there is the possibility of coupons, in the meantime, tomorrow I have organized "reservations" to my newsagent trust and repented for being naive and not telling him, yesterday, conservation, today, a copy.
This email just to tell you that this morning I wanted to read.
up the good work.
A. T .