the economy of the program of the patrol, one of the soloist, is a show within the show: it is one that allows tricolor arrows to offer the public harmony and continuity in the sequence of figures is another characteristic feature of the NAP. As for the rest of the patrol, the program the number "10" was developed during winter training. It looks, therefore, each figurae you decide to introduce some "Technicality" or small customizations that generally do not go to disrupt a program established over the years.
During the winter season, all solo flight training includes the performance of the entire program of the patrol, because a good part of the difficulty of the flight is the timing of integration between training carried out by the figures. Respect the time of entry is the responsibility of the soloist, who must modify their performance to be able to agree at a rate dictated by capoformazione, a rate that may depend on cloud cover, wind, and the place where it is held performing. 60% of the difficulty of the solo exhibition is nell'eecuzione of operations, the remaining 40% is in accordance with the timing.
training flights require the constant presence of the soloist in biga (via radio) of the master, the only rider entitled to comment and follow the safety aspects of the flight of the "10".
The commander usually limits itself to express comments on the aesthetic quality of the maneuver, without providing technical advice: only the owner holds the solo technical knowledge necessary to correct any defects in execution of aerobatic maneuvers in his prerogative.
Del resto, anche dal punto di vista addestrativo, il solista รจ abbastanza autonomo rispetto alla formazione, potendo pianificare, eseguire e gestire nella sua interezza il proprio allenamento.
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