Thursday, October 30, 2008

How 2 Make A Home Made Trailer

Ettore of Ettore

strong color

I encountered suffering,
silent companion of my life,
walking next to me dressed in white.

I know the pain in her purple dress,
was next to his body on the cross, not least
mystery of a restless city.

I also saw her death, dressed in black,
suffered in the face of a child, his face,
in gloomy silence the truth of the moment.

blows the wind of despair,
I speak of love,
not dye my heart with black
I have a white robe, another purple.

With love I have donated the sacred flower of faith,
gladly have given the green flower of hope,
with a sad smile he replied
the prime of life.

Ettore I.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Driver Microsoft Wired Rt 2300 En Español

Hello Carmelo

Hello Caramel, little big man.
You have chosen to leave a sad autumn afternoon.
You have chosen to do so, on tiptoe, as if to not disturb anyone.
You know very well that you were all for your as they were all for you ...
The void is filled, the dismay high, but the cruel destiny has decided for you.
You always had that much to do and so much more to give ...
Now you're up and everything you know, now that your love terreno è divenuto puro,
son sicuro che continuerai a volare loro vicino, con quell'amore paterno che non gli è mai mancato. Anche perchè, a lungo, continueranno a chiedersi come si fa a morire a soli 51 anni, per una banale influenza virale!
Ciao Carmelo, amico fugace e mancato compagno di vita.


Friday, October 17, 2008

70th Birthday Greetings Irish

Poems Poems


Serena e silenziosa in alto stai,

magica luce delle notti oscure,

t'innalzi splendente sui monti e sui colli,

ti specchi smagliante nelle acque dei seas,

silver coating slumbering waves.

enchants me and I look at you, admire you and sigh,

you speak, pale moon, dressed in white.

moon of poets and lovers,

moon sailors and travelers,

are light, heat six, are placed there for love.

Ettore I.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

12 Dpo Creamy Pink Mucus

Ettore Ettore Ettore

my brother

January 12, 1988, night of silence and fear, my brother

ucciso da mani oscure.

Questa è la città di antico dolore,

città della morte, non dell'amore.

Tanti gradini, tante porte, poi a corte,

luoghi d'incanto, di potere, di mala sorte.

Messo lì per sola parvenza

trovò ostilità e indifferenza,

nè mutò nel tempo il suo pensiero,

il cielo ritornò a vestirsi di nero.

Si odono le note di una solita orchestra,

si chiude un'altra finestra.

Son tante le croci in questa città,

I seek the truth that will never,

Lord, my brother is dead,

you console me, I know that you have risen.

Ettore I.

Notes: Hector's brother, then Mayor of Palermo, was killed Jan. 12, 1988 by the Mafia, having seen him as an enemy , decided his cruel and brutal destruction.