Hello Carmelo
Hello Caramel, little big man.
You have chosen to leave a sad autumn afternoon.
You have chosen to do so, on tiptoe, as if to not disturb anyone.
You know very well that you were all for your as they were all for you ...
The void is filled, the dismay high, but the cruel destiny has decided for you.
You always had that much to do and so much more to give ...
Now you're up and everything you know, now that your love terreno è divenuto puro,
son sicuro che continuerai a volare loro vicino, con quell'amore paterno che non gli è mai mancato. Anche perchè, a lungo, continueranno a chiedersi come si fa a morire a soli 51 anni, per una banale influenza virale!
Ciao Carmelo, amico fugace e mancato compagno di vita.
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