Per quanto l'abbia considerato valido, e in linea generale apprezzi la rubrica ' Invece ' del quotidiano l' Unità scritta dal direttore, non ero troppo concorde con il pezzo dell'altro ieri pubblicato dopo le prime dichiarazioni di Marrazzo ( Al pubblico pagante ).
I troppo pochi e contraddittori elementi emersi sull'inchiesta lì per lì hanno confuso un pò le acque , per questo, secondo me, prima di ipotizzare precisi scenari collocandoli in quadri effettivamente esistenti, sarebbe risultata opportuna un pò più prudenza .
Tuttavia, con il pezzo di oggi si, il cerchio si chiude e mi trova assolutamente d'accordo sia nell'analisi that in the evaluation.
Now it's up to you
would be nice to say, now we expect that those who blame the worst suit. It will not happen. There settle the case by saying "I'm not a saint," then continue to govern with the jokes, at least to us like women, and everyone laughed. There's really very little to laugh about, gentlemen seduced by Don Juan of the palace, dear girls sleazy merchants to offer along with a cocktail in exchange for business, designed to encourage girls economic benefits for after dinner at the expense of the firm, girls reduce prostitution in the undergrowth of politics, sex senile in exchange for an appearance on TV, a job, City Council seats in parliament in Strasbourg and more. D'Addario candidate, remember?
Piero Marrazzo has been suspended from office in 24 hours from the scandal that has involved. He raised himself and his political party by comparison of foul play, right now in fact powered by: all the same, no? No, not exactly. Marrazzo has not done its weaknesses a private bargaining with public positions, not senators appointed his horse nor his fellow councilors evening. Not brought them with him on official visits offering them to fellow peers, has not diverted to unexpected stopovers flights was to take them with himself escorted by public order, has established schools policy involving ministers of the republic to make them presentable in politics. This is a despot who has a master's conception of the state besides an idea to "end user" of people in a state of subjection, women high on the list but is not much different that makes use of its employees, both men and women that is, prostitution is not just bodies. Marrazzo attended transsexual, was blackmailed by four policemen who surprised him and the movie, did not denounce the blackmail. Was wrong three times, for simplicity, the 'private weaknesses "in these times you pay dear and agrees to abstain. For fear and for shame, hypocrisy current makes it difficult to disclose their sexual orientation: he could talk about it publicly, but some families, girls. More than anything was wrong to submit to blackmail the whole time and then to lie. We wrote yesterday, you should immediately say "are under extortion, reported the facts." This is the error - the only one of three - that prevents him from continuing in office. A public man can not be subject to blackmail, neither a prostitute nor a secret service or a policeman. A public man is weak, blackmail, forced to pay to defend themselves, to bribe and corrupt. Finally: the paid sex is sad, always. Buy favori - sfruttare chi è ridotto a far mercato di sè - rende più miseri, non più potenti. L'autosospensione è la premessa delle dimissioni. Ci auguriamo che, compatibilmente con il funzionamento della Regione, non si debba attendere a lungo. Oggi è una bella giornata, dobbiamo rendere onore a Marrazzo: è il giorno di rivendicare la differenza ed esserne orgogliosi. Dimettetevi anche voi se ne siete capaci. Essere eletti non sottrae nessuno alla giustizia: dimettetevi e fatevi giudicare. Noi andiamo a votare. Buona domenica. da l'Unità, Concita De Gregorio
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