Sunday, November 22, 2009

Kanacca's Secret Review 2010

Le chiamo parole

Nelle etichette le chiamo parole , non sono ambiziose, sono solo parole , nude e impotenti .
E' solo più semplice scavare intorno a un sentimento, a una emozione, è solo più semplice descriverne l' illusione .

E' solo più semplice accatastare parole come scatoloni in una soffitta .
'm just words that give meaning to put together a emotion or thought in and through me the same way as they have become would leave if they do not stop, writing them.
This blog is the place to make room for the life that escapes me.
I tried for years to keep a journal, I try again, but the white sheet immobilizes me for hours without being able to make magic and transform the volatile words that follow in the mind, thoughts in writing.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

80's Aerobics Instructors

Ritorno alla Terra

One day I wrote that there are no stories ,
only sketched unrealistic attempts to make them so.

was the day I realized how much could cost me feel this way.


silently accepted by the Earthly Mother
f ogli autumn strip off their clothes their branches, slipping
inert on the air moist.

Voices dispersed infiltrate from parallel worlds utopias disillusioned ,
that the season has off.
soft lights, muster, draw shadows ,
faithful companions. Of
travel , false starts and returns .

Whirlpools snakes and sacrilegious rites welcome the new Winter .
Return to the naked Earth, carried away by the wind .

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Virtual Haircut For Menfree

I colori

by email.

I woke up a song.
was sleeping when she started playing loud in my head. beating faster and then grief, anxiety deformed, and the clear and distinct feeling of not being able to put in order. I can not stay in bed, get up, I wander around the house. Darkness is a brother knows that consoles and listen

E 'wrong, is all wrong. love for others is not enough. It 'something that has taught me over the years of life. Love begins with self and ends up going to enlighten the people around us, tinged with immense.
If you live in the shadows, live deprived of that light needed to see the beautiful colors of life, and
think dark eyes that look at you.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Before And After A Male Brazilian Wax

mentre piove

seeking protection brotherly comfort
stretch the hands to mirror

you move with difficulty and with a stern look

slur a melancholy Modugno

Of those violins played by the wind

l 'Last Kiss my sweet girl

burns on his face like drops of lemon

the heroic courage of a fierce farewell


tears in the rain


the rain


the rain

Magic quiet indulgence veiled

ungrateful after the storm

takes breath and intense movement
celebrating a mild and unusual awakening

thousand violins played by the wind

the last hug my beloved child

in memory of a soft rain Silver
ruthless sense of no return

Of those violins played by the wind

last kiss my sweet girl

burns on his face like drops of lemon
the heroic courage of a fierce farewell


tears in the rain


when it rains it rains

the rain


Can Methocarbamol Be Bad When Expired

luna sorda

Tiny ants dirt mountains, rugged mountains without rolling

Dances fatal fires and cursed,
red-tinged shadows barefoot.

Moved by movements tired
slow burning flesh .

impress land,
waves of blood flow from bowels. And
moon deaf accompanies dark, in a song voiceless.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thick Mucus Discharge Throat

Sulla riva del mio eremo

I'm a bit out of sorts on this day.
Living downward, it happens, however. Today repeated between one page and the next, I had to get up, and going from one desk to another, taken by a feeling of extreme clarity and lucidity, reached the pc I wrote on the forum: not know, I always feel un'astrattezza most surreal of matter, bound in a plastic body. do not understand the mood and unreal isterica delle cose, quindi ne ribalto il senso , dipingendo un cielo in cui tutto è normale e io il paradosso . Non è proprio solamente così, ma è pur sempre un aspetto dello spettacolo che ho messo in scena nel mio teatro .
Ho il tessuto cerebrale atrofico, non filtra e non fa infiltrare niente. Impermeabile e silenzioso.
Come un giudice che impugna il martelletto e lo scandisce sul banchetto allo scoccare del rintocco. Parlo di giudizio , forse ha un senso e forse centra, remote anticaglie che incontrano sorrisi ambigui di un passato, passato.
Voglio bene alle persone che vivono
insieme me, ma a volte non è facile. Non è facile incrociare i loro sogni , sofferenze , disillusioni e guardare oltre, come se non li vedessi e fossero solo una mia errata intuizione .
Vorrei dare a ognuno di loro la possibilità di essere sole , luna , sasso o stella , vorrei potergli regalare la speranza di scoprire quello che sono.
Invece mi giro, voltandomi, dall'altra parte, perchè mi sento stanca e impotente. E trascino i piedi sulla riva del mio eremo , guardando lontano, distante

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Biggest Bottle Patron

Le parole alla follia, ciao Alda

Il mio passato

Spesso ripeto sottovoce
che si deve vivere di ricordi solo
quando mi sono rimasti pochi giorni.
Quello che e’ passato
e’ come se non ci fosse mai stato.
Il passato e’ un laccio che
stringe la gola alla mia mente
e toglie energie per affrontare il mio presente.
past and 'only smoke
of those who have not lived.
What I have already 'seen
has no more than' nothing.
The past and the future
not reality 'but only fleeting illusions.
time I have to get rid of
jackets and live on this' does not exist any more time
this wonderful moment.

Friday, October 30, 2009

I Lost My Original Hdfc Receipt For H1b Visa

Oltre il delirio del potere

Existing out of time, a house isolated at the foot of Mount , watching the sun still knows that in the early morning heat.
study, with thousands of books , a fireplace, the sound of and brightly colored leaves of 'grass . Stacks of
wood to burn and the silence of Mother that, beating the rhythm of his age, he gives life to flowers. The
music of a piano that sounds high, it must include the expectation of 'Infinite . Far from

utilitarian dimension of power, from iniquities of political commodify herself, and it sells out, obedient and courteous to serious courtiers interests and gifts. Far from
bunch of evil demons without soul, deep thinking in gear calculation of and moral poverty, which deny the ideals sighs of politics, relegating it to instrument through which to exercise its glory.
Far from pages that subservient to the king welcomed his deeds, as beasts disciples, carrying out the orders with the blank stare of someone who, stripped of thought and substance, he can not understand.
creeping Vizi, dig the floors of the buildings and games enjoyed chasing each other between gasps prohibited without morals, or public decency.
Shadows of silent clown wig nor make-up without playing the game of politics debasing nature of the state and destroying the creed of our fathers and our grandfathers before them, who fought for freedom .

I would be in that isolated house
as far as possible the compromises and servitude,
to rest,
away in disgust, the delusion of power over .

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Were I Can Watch Xerex Staring Aubrey Miles

Addio, mondi virtuali!

Brief Intro.
Taken from the forum of Second Life.
(Aiut! Today I have the talking!)

I focus these days, I was a little buzzed in the head without being able to shape it.

Fuck all those people who walked away from the forum and / or Second Life, because they no longer have considered virtual half-life, now they feel in the heart of the moral superiority of being gone. That same sense of superiority
seasoned with compassion (criticism), which can prove a chain smoker who quit smoking while observed a smoker lighting a cigarette after another, unable to hide the grin because he did it.
The play of reflections and mirrors the downward comparison are not always reliable tracers of their existential condition and look at others in seeing their old misery, may not be valid to throw a meter of the amounts.
The reasons why we land the metaverse, and are a huge range from the playful spirit, the need for shelter and / or find out a little more, the fascination with the virtual instrument, to chat, randomness, to find a place to give birth to the imagination, with a giant possibility of more or less intermediate shades.
And the reasons for which one is are the same, even if it could change over time, accompanied by an evolution or involution of the person, or sometimes neither.
The balance is the standard inner-detector of its imbalances and if you left a virtual world was what made you find your karma, maybe, just maybe, this is the case to reflect a little more detail on yourself.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Kitchen Hood Cfm Calculation

Ortopedia è...

Orthopaedics è ...
  1. soporifera
  2. falegnameria rudimentale
  3. una disciplina priva di poesia
  4. terribilmente noiosa
Ma soprattutto ho un professore il cui cognome ... fa rima con " one " .

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Masterbate With A Toothbrush

Adesso tocca a voi

Per quanto l'abbia considerato valido, e in linea generale apprezzi la rubrica ' Invece ' del quotidiano l' Unità scritta dal direttore, non ero troppo concorde con il pezzo dell'altro ieri pubblicato dopo le prime dichiarazioni di Marrazzo (
Al pubblico pagante ).
I troppo pochi e contraddittori elementi emersi sull'inchiesta lì per lì hanno confuso un pò le acque , per questo, secondo me, prima di ipotizzare precisi scenari collocandoli in quadri effettivamente esistenti, sarebbe risultata opportuna un pò
più prudenza .
Tuttavia, con il pezzo di oggi si, il cerchio si chiude e mi trova assolutamente d'accordo sia nell'analisi that in the evaluation.

Now it's up to you
would be nice to say, now we expect that those who blame the worst suit. It will not happen. There settle the case by saying "I'm not a saint," then continue to govern with the jokes, at least to us like women, and everyone laughed. There's really very little to laugh about, gentlemen seduced by Don Juan of the palace, dear girls sleazy merchants to offer along with a cocktail in exchange for business, designed to encourage girls economic benefits for after dinner at the expense of the firm, girls reduce prostitution in the undergrowth of politics, sex senile in exchange for an appearance on TV, a job, City Council seats in parliament in Strasbourg and more. D'Addario candidate, remember?

Piero Marrazzo has been suspended from office in 24 hours from the scandal that has involved. He raised himself and his political party by comparison of foul play, right now in fact powered by: all the same, no? No, not exactly. Marrazzo has not done its weaknesses a private bargaining with public positions, not senators appointed his horse nor his fellow councilors evening. Not brought them with him on official visits offering them to fellow peers, has not diverted to unexpected stopovers flights was to take them with himself escorted by public order, has established schools policy involving ministers of the republic to make them presentable in politics. This is a despot who has a master's conception of the state besides an idea to "end user" of people in a state of subjection, women high on the list but is not much different that makes use of its employees, both men and women that is, prostitution is not just bodies. Marrazzo attended transsexual, was blackmailed by four policemen who surprised him and the movie, did not denounce the blackmail. Was wrong three times, for simplicity, the 'private weaknesses "in these times you pay dear and agrees to abstain. For fear and for shame, hypocrisy current makes it difficult to disclose their sexual orientation: he could talk about it publicly, but some families, girls. More than anything was wrong to submit to blackmail the whole time and then to lie. We wrote yesterday, you should immediately say "are under extortion, reported the facts." This is the error - the only one of three - that prevents him from continuing in office. A public man can not be subject to blackmail, neither a prostitute nor a secret service or a policeman. A public man is weak, blackmail, forced to pay to defend themselves, to bribe and corrupt. Finally: the paid sex is sad, always. Buy favori - sfruttare chi è ridotto a far mercato di sè - rende più miseri, non più potenti. L'autosospensione è la premessa delle dimissioni. Ci auguriamo che, compatibilmente con il funzionamento della Regione, non si debba attendere a lungo. Oggi è una bella giornata, dobbiamo rendere onore a Marrazzo: è il giorno di rivendicare la differenza ed esserne orgogliosi. Dimettetevi anche voi se ne siete capaci. Essere eletti non sottrae nessuno alla giustizia: dimettetevi e fatevi giudicare. Noi andiamo a votare. Buona domenica. da l'Unità, Concita De Gregorio

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Funny Things Write Cake


live well, in a fucking picture of Monet's impressionistic,
faded in the form, enhanced colors,
deleterious in alternating between trying to understand the universe
and 'uncontrollable urge to send him to fuck off.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Spiritual Birthday Wishes For 18 Year Old Son

Se la Dignità avesse un volto

The enormous dignity a precarious Sicilian ,
's humanity sold and sold off to 'ignorance ,
the search for identity that is rooted in the commodification and mortification ,
pain integrity for a torn .

For those with children, for those without them,
for those who do not have a job, a job for those who have it,
for others again has within the need to look at the world and believe in a future .

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why Is My Cervix Still Hard

Una Terapista Occupazionale all'Università di Pisa

In supremae dignitatis

Sono andata a lezione e l'aula era deserta .
professori studenti .

Eppure l'orario lasciava pochi dubbi:

14.00 - 15.30
Aula PS2
Tecn . di riabilitazione medica e chirurgica propedeutiche alla T.O.

15.40 - 17.15
Aula PS2
Educazione alimentare

Inizia un rimpallo tra aula C e aula PS2 (in bicicletta).
Busso in segreteria di facoltà dove abbozzano un timido " we are closed ".

(and I've known the answer well enough)

Me: " I know, good morning, but I'm sorry, therapists Class SNT / 2 where are they now? " She
: "Wait ... so ... check the schedule should be in the classroom PS2
Me: " Yeah, but are not there. "
you: " As there are?! ?
Me: "No, no and there is not even the professor."
you: "You can not " I
: "Because you are not aware, I suppose that the professor si sia accordato, probabilmente ieri, direttamente con gli studenti su un cambio di orario SENZA comunicarlo alla segreteria"
Lei: "Siamo alle solite "
Io: " Appunto ."

Segue un lungo discorso, parte del quale finirà nella lettera che sto preparando per il Presidente del Corso di Laurea .

Strano direte voi.
Assolutamente no .
Normalissima - almeno quanto patetica - amministrazione .

Così patetica da aver strutturato un sistema per cui le comunicazioni interne a un corso universitario riguardanti organizzazione e natura dello stesso - mi riferisco a appelli , programmi , ricevimenti , spostamenti di orario - passino regolarmente da studente a studente attraverso un tam tam - tipo comare di paese - anzichè tramite comunicazioni ufficiali ( segreteria , affissione in bacheca ) degne di una istituzione pubblica .

Così patetico da obbligare gli studenti a organizzarsi in proprio (hanno tutta la mia solidarietà) for example by creating a website for exchanging information to plug the huge gaps organizational and informational of the degree to which pay taxes regularly end up doing more than that students also tutor to young people, the secretaries for schedules and internal communications, the assistants reservation classrooms and teachers in order to collect lists of appeals. Hoping
who want to complete the picture even arming broom and dustpan at the end of the lesson.

so pathetic as to ensure that students do not have , for the vast Most of the modules, not even dates of appeal, which according to university regulations should be 1 °) least FIVE
year not counting the ongoing trials 2nd) communicated with least ninety days advance (as University Regulations, Section 6 ) denying, in fact, the student the opportunity to organize a damn curriculum
Planning that, as we know it for a student - let alone for more if the worker as myself -
essential for linear progression in their studies. No
that this creates a huge discrepancy between the figure of the student of occupational therapy and other courses to more structured, with better organization, show a greater respect person toward the student.

And so began my academic year between a lesson lost
and application of the usual run- 'ad minchiam " planning for the exams.

The same old monotonous system of tragi-comic ' umma umma in all' Italian , degno, purtroppo, dell' istituzione pubblica che rappresenta.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Help My Ps3 Drum Has No Dongle. What Can I Use?


Dieci giorni fa ho bucato la ruota di dietro .
Due giorni fa quella davanti .

Mi è ormai chiaro, Qualcuno complotta e tesse trame alle mie spalle.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bare Bottom In Russian

Vicoli ciechi

Chiudere il rubinetto della menzogna
e guardare negli occhi l' Umano che hai dentro.
Cambiare destinazione ,
immaginare un altro varco che conduca allo stesso posto,
cambiare posto.
Frastornati dall'infinita incongruenza dell' Universo , chiedersi, continuamente.
Innamorarsi del significato di una carezza , incrociarlo alle Tenebre
e chiedersi dove sia l' Umano .
Una linea oltre la quale le Azioni deformino le Intenzioni
e l' Umano diventi bestiale .
Ritrovare l' Azzurro guardando a white wall,
enjoy a smile
without the clamor of thoughts,
kicked in the 'Human and push in the Vacuum .
wave motion, without tide nor moon.
Silence deafening shatter crystal clouds
a damn blue sky that falls to the ground .

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I Lost My Original Hdfc Reciept For H1b Visa


I'm tired (in the sense that I just sleep!).

I did the night , and before doing the night I worked three hours on a part .

And when I finished the night I worked another three from .
And when I shift continue eighteen hours that are coming apart, or a rag as they say in these parts.

risk if it touches the bed to sleep until the next day, then
distracted me from sleep listening music, reading and writing the PC, drinking a cup of coffee strategic long reflecting extinction of the panda, bothering the cats (is' na boorish action that while their lot with sleep, careless, sleep on my bed) and then once again the wisdom , here is that my day begins .
Yeah! Why

Thursday I have a question, nothing less than Volterra.

And then 5 I dentist appointment .

E the 6 with the President of my undergraduate degree.

E 15, I the competition for social workers .
And then I wanted to go see Charles Varese.

And He graduated .

And then I wanted to celebrate my birthday with my mom and my sister.

And then I'd go to rally in Rome Saturday, 3 on press freedom.

And then others on other and then.

Olindo and Rosa (an elderly couple who live below me) are arguing about which one has more right to the other ad accaparrarsi l’unica sdraio sul terrazzo e godersi un po’ il sole. Image Hosted by


Si, lo so.
Una volta questo era un blog semiserio , una volta.

Infatti già so che mezz'ora dopo aver pubblicato queste righe mi pentirò per aver dato spazio a un post inutile come questo.
M i odio quando "scrivo allegro" Image Hosted by
Se dovesse sparire il perchè già l'ho scritto.
Image Hosted by

Friday, September 25, 2009

Blocked Nose And Blocked Nose Voice

Un anno Dopo

Non avere il tempo di ascoltarsi è una scusa incontrastabile.
Gelosa delle mie forze passo il tempo incardinando il mio ego tra certezze , intenti e progetti .
Ho sempre avuto un’ idea di me e da un anno la sto costruendo, concretamente.
E oggi posso scrivere per la prima volta in vita mia che mi sono trovata, e sono Io .
Io, senza quei quintali di tormenti emotivi che mi ancoravano alla sedia.
Io, senza la sensazione che potrei cadere.
I, stable and positive, with a solution to any problem.
natural processes in one direction, because the small flies that do not stop to return to live in the nest.
But that idea I have of myself has in itself a ruthless price, functionalism
Although maybe then, I think, that if the scripts are repeated there may be a common ill, although I do not know where to look and do not even know if it exists.
Each child grows up with a dream.
a child closing his eyes I saw a woman in a study full of books with a large wooden desk full of papers .
How boring, right?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cover Letter For Car Sales Manager

Mal comune mezzo gaudio

=> Disclaimer:
  1. follows a beginning of phone call between me and my mom.
  2. Everything was held yesterday morning .
  3. My mom has used in his life ten vulgar expressions .

MammaAnna : Hello?

I (scandendo): P o r c a M i s e r i a!

MammaAnna (scandendo): P o r c a V a c c a!

Io : Hai visto Linea Notte ieri sera?!

MammaAnna (scandendo): P o r c a M i s e r i a!

Io (scandendo): P o r c a V a c c a!

Morale: perchè una morale c'è sempre. Ed è questa:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tell New Born Baby Sms

Il Fatto Quotidiano

Email sent to the editorial staff of "The Fact Daily" .

Site (temporary) Reference:
=> The background, the blog of The Daily Done.

Hello editorial

this morning between eight and nine in the morning I tried to find niches in eleven, but I had no luck at all, copies of The Done were depleted.
One of the newsagents at my request he exclaimed, "but many of you this morning to ask me?"
In two other shrines instead, I met other like me who were desperate for a copy and we exchanged a smile and information kiosks that had run out.
In another, however, a player managed to grab the latest copy of the laws have been made to a group of three or four people who meanwhile had arrived in search of a copy.

I booked my subscription and will improve once there is the possibility of coupons, in the meantime, tomorrow I have organized "reservations" to my newsagent trust and repented for being naive and not telling him, yesterday, conservation, today, a copy.

This email just to tell you that this morning I wanted to read.
up the good work.

A. T

Saturday, May 23, 2009

How Build A Sausage Stuffer

Chi tace e chi piega la testa muore ogni volta che lo fa,

chi parla e chi cammina a testa alta muore una volta sola.

Giovanni Falcone

Friday, May 1, 2009

Free Online Movies In Vietnamese


Nella città che si addormenta,

una luce è ancora non spenta,

nella quiete una voce accorata,

a mother abandoned.

On the face there is so much pain,

not hear from his son loved the heat,

in his heart so much nostalgia,

long silences are the company.

Here is a picture of your mom,

in the memories of the past labors,

takes only a wish,

told mom.

(Ettore I.)